企管之道 企業(yè)家修煉
王文明:道德經(jīng)英文 第十 四章
2016-01-20 6073
第十四章   無物之象

視之不見,名曰夷;聽之不聞,名曰希; 搏之不得,名曰微。此三者不可致詰,故混而為一。其上不皦,其下不昧。繩繩兮不可名,復(fù)歸于無物。是謂無狀之狀,無物之象,是謂惚恍。迎之不見其首,隨之不見其后。執(zhí)古之道,以御今之有。能知古始,是謂道紀(jì)。

TheInvisble Energy of Tao

Look,and it can not be seeen.

Listen,and it can not be heard.

Reach,and it can not be grasped.


Thesethree cannot be separated,

sothey mingle and act as one.

Above,it isn’t bright.

Below,it isn’t dark.

Endlessly,the nameless  goes on,

Mergingand returning to nothingness.


We call it theformless Form, the imageless Image.

We call it theindefinable and unimaginable.

Confront it and thereis no beginning .

Follow it and thereis no end.

By adhering to the Tao of the past You will master theexistence of the present And be able to know the origin of the past. This iscalled the clue of Tao.


道之存在是人類肉眼看不見、 耳朵聽不到、 肢體觸摸不著的。這三件事不能進(jìn)一步分解,渾然構(gòu)成一體宇宙場。它的上面顯得光明亮堂,下面不顯得陰暗。它不可名狀卻綿綿不絕,又回歸于無邊無際,無物的道本源意識能。因此可稱為恍然無形、不見物體的形象,恍恍惚惚。迎著不見其頭,跟隨不見其尾。

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