企管之道 企業(yè)家修煉
王文明:道德經(jīng)英文 第二十章
2016-01-20 5693

第二十章   食母無憂   

唯之與阿,相去幾何?美之與惡,相去若何?人之所畏,不可不畏?;馁猓湮囱朐?! 眾人熙熙,如享太牢,如春登臺。 我獨(dú)泊兮,其未兆,如嬰兒之未孩。累累兮,若無所歸。眾人皆有馀,而我獨(dú)若遺。我愚人之心也哉,沌沌兮!俗人昭昭,我獨(dú)昏昏。 俗人察察,我獨(dú)悶悶。兮其若海,飂兮若無止。眾人皆有以,而我獨(dú)頑且鄙。我獨(dú)異于人,而貴食母。

Feeding Myself from the MotherNature

How much differenceis there between yes and no? How much distinction between good and evil?

Theancient people act in accord with the Natural Laws,

and thatshould always be our alarm.

Nowadayspeople get lost in materialism,

anddrifted away from their True Origin.

All men are joyousand beaming, as  they were to attend a feast,

asthough they were to ascend a living observatory to catch beautiful spring view.I alone remain tranquil, likean infant who hasn't yet smiled:lost, quietly drifting, unattached without aphysical place to harbour.

Others have thingsthey feel they need. I alone own nothing.

I am afool in their eyes, but enjoyable under simplicity.

I seem drifting asthe sea; Like the wind blowing about, seemingly without destination.

Common folks are bright,

I aloneam dark and obscure.

Common folks are sharp;

I aloneam dull.

I seem drifting asthe sea; Like the wind blowing about, seemingly without destination.

Other people have a purpose,

and yet, I alone know the harmonyof nonbeing and being.

I alone am different from the others,

I reside in the peace andharmony of the Mother Nature.


應(yīng)諾與呵斥,相差多少? 受人贊美與招人厭惡又有多大差別呢? 古人遵道敬天, 不敢縱欲而為,應(yīng)是我們最好的警鐘呀。 人們飄蕩在茫然的私心物欲中, 失去了宇宙萬物的本源中心啊! 眾人歡歡喜喜, 好像去參加豐盛的宴會, 又像春天里登上高高的樓臺以觀賞鮮花盛開的美景; 而我獨(dú)自淡泊寧靜, 好像嬰兒一般, 坦蕩而不受物欲牽制。眾人都沉溺于物質(zhì)生存的繁雜有余,而我卻守道而飄然仙處。我淳厚樸實(shí),大智若愚呀。心胸寬如大海,品行坦蕩無際。眾人沉醉于追名逐利,我卻混然無欲啊!眾人奉私有為,而我獨(dú)淳厚無求。眾人將有形有相的物質(zhì)當(dāng)成唯一,不知“有之以為利”的局限,“無之以為用”的真理。而我氣定神賢,篤守本源真理。

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