企管之道 企業(yè)家修煉
王文明:道德經(jīng)英文 第六十一章
2016-01-20 4467

第六十一章   卑謙取上






StayingLow to Gain Domination


A large country is like low land where rivers flow, a place whereeverything comes together, the female of all. The female overcomes the malewith tranquillity. Tranquillity is underneath.

Hence,is a great country can lower itself before a small country, it will win overthe small country; and if a small country can lower itself before a greatcountry,

it willgain the protection of a great country.

Thus one win by placing himself below, and the other win by being below.

After all, what a big state wants is but to annex and herd others, Andwhat a small state wants is merely to join and serve others. What a big countrywants is but to shelter others, And what a small country wants is but to beable to come in and be sheltered. What a great country wants is simply toembrace more people; and what a small country wants is simply to come to serveits patron.

Yet whata larger country wants is to unite and shelte others,

and whata small organization wants

is tojoin and to be sheltered.


Thus both get what they want. A large country ought to place itself low.

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