治人事天,莫若嗇。 夫為嗇,是謂早服。早服謂之重積德。重積德則無不克。無不克則莫知其極。莫知其極,可以有國;有國之母,可以長久;是謂深根固柢,長生久視之道。
TheWay of Cultivating Life Enengy
In leading people and following the principles of TAO, there is nothing better than sparing moderation.
Since,indeed, moderation meanspreparing ahead.
Preparing ahead mean preservingthe life energy.
When life energy is preserved,
Nothing is impossible.
When nothing is impossible,
there is no limits.
When there is no limits,
One can come to the harmony ofyin and yang.
With the life energy in balance,
the body comes to blossom inbalance.
This is the way to be deep-rooted and firm-planted in the Tao, The secretof long life and lasting vision.
This means to have deep roots andfirm foundation of life,
this is the road to durablility and longevity based on the model of the Tao.