20180228 胡大平
周姐來道場六年多了,起初話很少,有次在北京機場接我,走路很快,我講:“修行從走路開始,走的太快會失去重心”。學授權,她有更多屬于自己的時間。在無錫,我問:“您上導師班嗎?”,她說:“好?。 ?我問:“為什么要上?”,她答:“跟著老師一起玩”。從那時起她寫思想日記,已堅持了兩年多,周姐已經初步建立了自己的思想結構。周姐的經歷告訴我們:堅持修,堅持寫定會綻放的。
Persistence will blossom
Madam Zhou has attended our practice tour for over 6 years, now she has more time to herself, by joining class she began to write journal each day, now she can make good speech and has generated her own thought system. She walks her talk. She is blossoming her self and her family.