企管之道 企業(yè)家修煉
王文明:道德經(jīng)英文 第五十五章
2016-01-20 4657

第五十五章     知和曰常


Knowing the Harmony

Hewho possess the virtues of the Tao,

Islike a newborn baby.

Poisonousinsects do not sting it,

Fiercebeasts do not seize it,

Birdsof prey do not strike it.

Itsbones are yielding, its muscles are relaxed,

Butits grip is firm.


They have never known the union of man and woman, but the organis fully formed, meaning that the vital essence is strong.

He may cry all day without becoming hoarse, This means that his(natural) harmony is perfect. To know harmony means to be in accord with theeternal. To be in accord with the eternal means to be enlightened.

To try to force life isominous. To force the vital essence with the mind is violence. After all thingsreach their prime, they begin to grow old, Which means being contrary to Tao.Whatever is contrary to Tao will soon perish. [譯文]


含德深厚的人,就如同出生嬰兒無私無欲的狀態(tài)一樣。 毒蛇不蟄他,猛獸不撲他,惡鳥不搏擊他。他骨弱筋柔,拳頭卻攥得很緊。他不懂陰陽交合之欲,小生殖器自然勃起。整天號哭,聲音卻不沙啞,這是其體內(nèi)陰陽淳和的緣故。 知道陰陽平衡才真正明白萬物化生之根源;知道萬事萬物之根源才能做到一切了然于胸。有益于生靈的叫祥和。 后天心術(shù)主使和氣就注定要為物役而逞強(qiáng)。 

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